Job opportunities

Ehfn | Exmoor Hill Farming Network

We are a farmerled Network bringing information, training, demonstrations, grants and opportunities to upland farmers across Exmoor. The Network is open to anyone farming in the Exmoor Severely Disadvantaged Area, Exmoor Greater area and Exmoor National Park.

Nujob | nujob because referrals are the best way to hire

Giving you the tips and techniques to build a better software development career

Xpertre­sour­cing | Xpert Resourcing Recruitment Company in Ely

Xpert resourcing are a recruitment agency based in Ely, working with clients and candidates across Cambridgeshire and East Anglia.

One­wighthealth | GP Career Op­por­tunities and GP Surgery Vacancies on the Isle of Wight

GP job vacancies, recruitment, training and support for GP practices on the Isle of Wight